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ShadowMaker V5


  1. New update to the User interface.

  2. Image generation added

  3. New tokens for extra content and title generation on the same page [TITLExx] and [CONTENTxx]


  5. New domain grouping feature to be able to generate different kind of sites all at once and also setup tiered linking all at once.

  6. Automatical recognition of shadow domain(s) with or without specified index keyword.

  7. Content weight is randomized now by page and not domain

  8. keyword densities are randomized by page as well

  9. secondary keyword inclusion has now minimum and maximum setting and is randomized on each page.

  10. When this option is not in use “Further customized file name structure as defined below” the url structure will be same as keyword and if url already exists for that keyword a random number will be added to the url. For example keyword-phrase.html and if it exist already keyword-phrase-394.html

  11. New output dir with CSV with settings used to generate each url. /cgi-bin/admin/admin_output/

  12. selist update

Bug fixes:

  1. content file for Rotating content snippet was added to wrong directory.
  2. fix exclude extensions regexp
  3. fix 1 keyword loop bug in geturls.cgi
  4. fixed Mac line-breaks inside keyword files uploaded to the server manually.
  5. fix for pragraph generation with First letter capitalization and punctuation at end of paragraphs.
  6. RSS bug with content-tokens in titles fixed
  7. If bad characters are used inside the keyword list, rss generation would crash and sites would not fully get generated. This is fixed by skipping the keyword for rss generation.

Central X - 2012-08-17


  1. Subid token to use in redirect urls «subid»
  2. Added Google Speed Score improvments
  3. New log format
  4. Improved keyword parsing from SEhits
  5. Added url parsing so that if there is no keyword to parse from the SEhit referer it will parse what the page actually was generated for.
  6. Added support for subdirectories under a domain.

Bug fixes:

  1. Google snapshot bug fixed.

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