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  • shadowMaker

    bSeolized shadowMaker: Addressing Digital Era Traffic Demands
    bSeolized shadowMaker is designed to improve SEO by ranking sites deemed “impossible” by conventional methods through cloaking and IP delivery.
    Purpose and Functionality
    It creates optimized content for search engines while redirecting human visitors to the intended sites, helping websites with limited text content rank better.
    Beneficial Scenarios
    - Dynamically generated content
    - Catalog pages with brief descriptions
    - Text-limited content like headers and product names
    - Graphics-rich websites
    - Sites with Flash, Real Video, audio streams, etc.
    - JavaScript-biased navigation
    - Sites requiring cookies
    - CMS with non-standard URLs
    Solution: Industrial-Strength Cloaking
    Delivers optimized content to search engines and redirects human visitors to the target site.
    Core Features
    - Phantom Pages and Shadow Domains™: Optimized content for search engines and dedicated web properties.
    - Automatic Shadow Domain™ Generation: Creates unique content and optimized pages with customizable keyword densities.
    - Keyword and Search Phrase Optimization: Supports unlimited keywords and allows uploading keyword lists.
    - Content Generation Automation: Generates unique pages, excluding inappropriate content.
    - Customizable Keyword Density: Ensures precise keyword control and unique pages for each term.
    - Optimized Site Structure: Generates interlinked pages with site maps, avoiding SEO pitfalls.
    - Realtime Visitor Redirection: Redirects visitors by keyword invisibly to search engines.
    - Comprehensive Traffic Stats: Tracks hits and search phrases for optimization.
    - Unlimited Domains License: Generate unlimited Shadow Domains™ under a single license.
    User Interface and Support
    Features an intuitive GUI, detailed help, free installation, comprehensive documentation, and unlimited support. Includes 12 months of free updates.
    You will find our product store here.
  • TemplateSpinner

    bSeolized templateSpinner makes it easy for you to generate new unique templates based on input templates you supply the software.
    Some key points of the tool:
    - Shuffles all CSS blocks (gathered both from external files and inline snippets) and re-arranges them into new files and random inline inserts;
    - Renames CSS selectors and class/id names of all HTML elements into dictionary-based random generated names;
    - Gently randomizes many CSS properties that do not break the whole page structure;
    - Generates new unique images from your input collection by transforming them with many different filters and replaces all images from the input template;
    - Renames all external CSS/JavaScript files with dictionary-based generated names;
    - Optional CSS/HTML minification.
    It is now possible to generate 1000s of templates for shadowMaker and use a unique template on each and every shadowDomain you generate.
    You will find our product store here.
  • IPGrabber

    bSeolized offers now a new IP database service called IPGrabber.
    IPGrabber broadly serves the same purpose as spiderSpy and is available as a yearly licence from bSeolized.
    Developing the new IP white list solution, we have worked hard to improve on spiderSpy. The result is a database that is continually maintained and updated by the automated inputs of the users: IPGrabber is alerted to any unusual bot activity and the indentity of those bots is then investigated centrally and then approved or disapproved by bSeolized.
    Yearly subscriptions can be had for $349
    You will find our product store here.

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